PRISMA Impianti participates to project “Broad P.I.T.T.” promoting innovation and technology transfer
December 02, 2016The Project Broad P.I.T.T. was launched to promote innovation and technology transfer. Last year it took place for the first time in an experimental stage for small and medium-sized enterprises of the region Piemonte and it was coordinated by Unione Industriali (Entrepreneurs League) in Turin.
The target of Broad P.I.T.T. is to introduce a more formal Innovation Management inside small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
The acronym P.I.T.T. stands for “Piccola Impresa Trasferimento Tecnologico” which means Small Business Technology Transfer.
Important institutions are joining forces in the project, such as the Politecnico di Torino and the University of Turin. Other partners are Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy’s largest bank, and consulting firm Deloitte.
We are proud to have been selected and asked to sign the “Memorandum of Understanding” at the castle “Castello del Valentino” in Turin, on the 24th of November 2016.
Therefore, PRISMA Impianti is now starting the submitted project Cyber Security in Industrial Processes, co-developing with Politecnico di Torino.
This innovative project will deliver a software suite able to defend industrial networks and processes from external, malicious attacks.
More information about the project:
Piccolindustria dell’Unione Industriali – Broad P.I.T.T.
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